Wednesday, April 18, 2012

30 Weeks- 9 More to Go!

Wow...this milestone seemed so far away when we found out we were pregnant at just 3 weeks and 2 days!  30 weeks...time has really flown and crawled by at the exact same time.  We have exactly 9 more weeks...63 days!  Baby Girl Aiello is the size of a large cucumber.  She is roughly between 15.2-16.7 inches and about 3.5-4 pounds!  We will know more precise numbers next Monday when we have a growth scan ultrasound.  She now has and is using all 5 senses and can even grasp a finger.  Her brain is getting wrinklier and her skin is getting smoother. 

It's Cucumber Baby!!

I have been sooo lucky to have such a great pregnancy with this little one.  There has not been one issue with her and I am eternally grateful.  Is it too much to ask that this continues? :)  I could go through anything just knowing she was ok.  She has been moving and shaking a lot lately!  She still LOVES her lemonade and now has gone bonkers for Mexican food.  My favorite baby moment happened just this week.  It is no surprise she loves music.  I can turn up anything with a beat and she squirms with delight.  Chris was watching a couple of drum legends on YouTube...the drummer from Rush to be exact.  I told him to put the speaker closer to my belly and the second he did, she just started dancing up a storm!  It was amazing!  My belly was bouncing up and down and from side to side.  I think Chris fell more in love with her right then and there.  I really wish we would have taken a video of it!  It was not only remarkable to know that she could hear it, but that she really liked it!  I always wanted to play Classical music to help increase her IQ, but I am not sure that she would like that.  I just try to play anything upbeat for her and she loves it!

Could this be her?!

Pregnancy wise, things are still going pretty well.  Although, I did have to call my Dr. Saturday morning.  My feet swelled up to crazy proportions.  They are better, but not good.  I am trying to drink a lot of water and elevate them, but I have a feeling that this is something I will have to deal with for 9 more weeks.  Ugh...sausage feet!  Here they are in all of the glory:

As you can see, the left is way worse.  One more thing to make me feel less attractive.  "It's for a good's for a good cause" I keep telling myself.  Here is our 30 Week Photos:

Since Chris has taken my picture every week, I think he deserves some of the spotlight!  He has been so unbelievably supportive and I can not thank him enough for all that he has done, like painting my nails....Oh!  I have proof of his craftsmanship!

He does the majority of the chores around the house, makes my breakfast before work, and jumps into action whenever I need something.  Pretty much the best Husband a girl could ask for!  So here is the Daddy Week 30 Tribute and Vogue Session!  ;-)

We have a busy weekend planned!  We are celebrating Kanishka's Birthday on Friday (Part 1 of 2 of the best neighbors anyone could have!!), Chris and I have a date night on Saturday that was postponed from last week, and we have my my Baby Shower that my Mom is hosting on Sunday!  I am very very excited about this!!  I just hope the weather will just start to look up.  It will be so great to see all of my friends and family!

Let me explain why date night was "postponed."  Last week was really hard for Chris and I.  Lola was REALLY sick.  She was not able to keep anything down.  She was not her spritely little self and it broke my heart that she did not even reach for cinnamonkey!  But, after going to the vet and having numerous tests done and being dehydrated, she finally got some medicine to put her on the road to recovery.  She is 100% now and here she is....reunited with Cinnamonkey!  The towel was still down "just in case."


  1. Woohoo! Only 9 more weeks. Hopefully they go quick! It'll be nice knowing your exact date. I have a feeling this "any day now" approach is going to be torture!

  2. I can imagine the "any day now" is torture! It is so nice to have an end in sight, but the surgery aspect is a bit scary. You are almost there!!! I cannot wait to see Lucy! :)

  3. This was definitely my favorite blog post! so cute!
