Tuesday, December 11, 2012

5 months and counting!!

Little Miss Muffin is 5 months old!!

So much has happened this past month, which is my excuse for the extremely late post!! I turned the big 3-0, the dirty thirty, the new twenty. However you look at it, I am a decade older and while I don't love the concept, I look at Chris, Arden, and Lola and think, "I haven't done too bad." :) Chris threw me a surprise party with close friends and family and we had a great time! That was so sweet that he thought to do that and I will have great memories!

Arden also helped Chris and I vote!  She was a little angel!

Chris and I also went out to celebrate our 4 year Wedding Anniversary. We went to Eagle's Nest and had a nice romantic dinner. It was really nice to get out and just enjoy each other's company. Here is to many many more!

Arden is growing so much! I love comparing photos like this. Hours after she was born and right around 5 months. She loves playing with her toys and likes to put everything in her mouth, even though she makes a nasty face after she puts it in her mouth. She has had her first "lick" of apple which she thoroughly enjoys!

We are waiting to start solids right around the 6 month mark. I cannot wait! I think she is definitely ready for food! She grabs my spoon and fork and pulls food towards her...you can tell she is Italian with that zest for food that she already has! She also loves her books! We usually read around 3 books a day and if she is fussy, she puts on the biggest smile and loves to listen to me read and look at the pictures. I want her to be into reading and learning and am trying my hardest to give her a good head start. I cannot wait to see what lies ahead!

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