Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Half Way There!!!

Today is a momentous occasion!  Baby Girl Aiello has made it to the half way point!  She is a strong little girl and has been kicking up a storm today!!  She has a best friend....it is my bladder and she likes to jump and pounce to her heart's content.  Right now, I find it endearing...ask me again in a couple of weeks.  I have been seriously craving sweets.  I have never been a "sweets" person, but I crave anything sweet...luckily fruit will usually do.  Speaking of fruit, Baby Girl Aiello is the size of a cantaloupe at 20 weeks!  Does that seem big to anyone else??

Since I started the blog just a couple of weeks ago, I thought I would share a "bump montage" with you.  From 4 Weeks to 20 Weeks!  Enjoy!!  :)

                                                                                         4 Weeks

                                                                                       Family Shot!!

                Lo wanted to join in!

In other family news, Chris has been very busy at Klipsch!  He is travelling to San Jose, CA today and tomorrow and then leaves for China this Saturday.  I will miss him tons, but he promised to share some pictures of his trip to the Orient with all of you when he returns.  Oh, and since he will be gone, I am looking for takers to be my Valentine.  ;-)  Although, I will say, I have my eye on Lola!


  1. Aww, aren't you the cutest! I think that 10 in the 10 week picture looks especially nice. ;)

  2. Thanks, Al!! You are the sweetest! ;-) And yes, the "10" does look very professional! :-D
