Better late than never, but Little Miss Arden turned 10 months a couple of weeks ago! Finding the time to write this blog post has been a challenge. Between play dates, Gymboree music class, crafting for Garden of Arden, and Chris traveling, the has been a commodity around here!
At this very moment, Arden is napping on my chest and I debated putting her down and going to work. I decided to snuggle instead and it was the best decision I have made all day. Having her nap on me is making me a bit nostalgic. So many close friends are having beautiful babies right now and it is a reminder about how small she used to be. She has turned into such a gorgeous child with the most beautiful personality and soul. I marvel in her...every single day. I cannot believe that Chris and I created someone so fun, spunky, sassy, loving, beautiful, and daring. Well, maybe the daring side...that is all Chris! :)
We have been taking Gymboree music classes and Arden is loving it! She is the most vocal kid in class and loves to steal everyone else's balls when it is play time. She is loving food! She is adventurous and has tried Indian, Greek, Mexican, and Italian food! They only food and still does not like are green beans and squash. She is pulling up to a stand on everything. She started for the first time when we were on vacation in the Bahamas. I think she will walk very soon. She answers you when you ask what a cow, lion, sheep, cat, and dog says. She waves bye bye and hello and dances around. Her favorite song is the ABCs and she tries to sing along whenever I sing it to her. She also enjoys a little itsy bitsy spider. I cannot believe I am planning her 1st Birthday party! She is learning so much day by day and I learning right there with her.