Arden is 2 months old already as of Monday! Here are some photos from her 2 month photo shoot. We put on a little music and she started squirming and dancing around! See...I told you it was like a photo shoot! :)
We had her 2 month appointment with Dr. McKeever on Wednesday and she is one healthy little baby! She weighs 10 pounds 14 1/2 ounces which puts her in the 50th percentile for weight and is 23 1/2 inches which puts her in the 80th percentile for height!! As the Dr. said, "It is perfect!" She is growing bigger and stronger every day and I could not be more proud of her. Her little personality shows more and more everyday. And those toothless grins? Chris and I get to see them every day now...all day long pretty much. No matter how tired I may be, those smiles help my world go 'round. See what I mean?? :)

She is such a happy little baby. If she is not hungry or gassy, she is all smiles. She loves to be carried on your shoulder and that little head of hers just bobs around as she takes in everything from the world around her. She is gaining such great head control and only needs to be supported occasionally. While she loves meeting new people, she does love the security of Mom & Dad. Even if she is fussing during her first diaper change of the day when she is hungriest, she will crack a smile just to know she still wants to be fed, but she is happy to see you. Speaking of diaper changes, she loves her little butterfly toy and if you dangle it while you are changing her diaper, she is one happy little camper! She focuses on objects and has started holding eye contact. I have downloaded this App called Infant Visual Stimulation on my phone which has flash cards of large, fun objects set to Classical music that she can not get enough of! It mesmerizes her. Speaking of mesmerizing, as much as I tried to stop it, she has found the TV. That's right....and she likes it. I am wondering what kind of silly shows she is going to start liking over the next couple of months. Thanks goodness the Teletubbies are no longer around! I think we gave her the right middle name of Gabrielle because "gabby" literally is her middle name. She tries so hard to talk and will coo and talk and hold little conversations. I love it! She also loves her doll and will talk to her. She has now learned to bring it to her and hold onto it! Precious! See?
There have been other new developments in the Aiello household. I am officially a stay at home Mom to Arden. I cannot express how excited and grateful I am to be given the opportunity. I worked for Trends for 4 1/2 years and had a great experience, but I am so thrilled to see what adventures I have in store of being a stay at home Mom....or on the go Mom as like to call it, because let's be honest...I like to be out and about! :)
Chris has also started travelling for work again. He has been to New York and is headed to Berlin next week. While it is a great experience, I don't like to think of how much we will miss him while he is gone. My Mom will be helping while he is gone and I really do not know what I would do without her! She has helped so much.
I cannot wait to see some of the other firsts and developments that she has in the upcoming month. Here are a couple of photos over the past couple of weeks:
Arden's first stroller ride
First smile caught on camera!
Family Photo before going to see Florence and the Machine
Mommy time
Bathtime updo!
Smiles in the swing!
True story!
Smile for Nana!
Hanging out with Dad!
Lots of hair + natural mohawk = Pebbles Hairdo!
Monkey girl!
Sunsets with Dad