Arden has mastered rolling front to back on both sides. Now she won't stop! I am thinking the baby proofing needs to happen sooner rather than later. A diaper change is now pretty difficult since she is rolling around the whole time and even pulling herself up from the side of the changing table. We like to go to the basement, roll out a rug, and play with her while she rolls around and plays with her toys. I love those little family moments!

She still refuses a bottle, but will drink from a sippy cup now which is super nice that we have found an alternative!

She also has gotten her first tooth!!! See!! Every morning she puts her finger in her mouth to make sure it is still there. :)

She also sits up by herself now! I am still amazed by this because she was doing it effortlessly all of a sudden one day. She amazes me every single day. Whether it is the giggles I get when she "gets" what is going on or the little talks we have. She rolls over, looks at me, and just starts to have little conversations with me. I feel like she understands what I am saying or I would like to think she does, so don't wreck my confidence. ;-) She has so much personality and it really makes me feel good when other people see that. She is changing and growing every day, but I could not be more proud of the little person she is becoming.

Holding hands with Audria Reeves!
Baby Dearing Gender Reveal Party: It's a BOY!!!! Congrats Matt, Stephanie, Ethan, and Haley!!!
Play date with Andrew Fink!

Arden's first road trip to visit Nana and Papa!
We have been having an amazing Holiday Season! Arden went to visit Santa and very surprisingly, no tears were shed! She was loving it!!
Chris and I went to a Murder Mystery Party with some Klipsch co-workers and we had a blast! We were Rudolph and Vixen and I even guessed the killer!